Meet Executive Director of the Pro-Truth Pledge Titus Benton

What’s your role with the Pro-Truth Pledge?

As Executive Director, it is a true gift for me to have the opportunity to inspire a growing community of change makers toward a shared commitment to the truth. By activating our boards, volunteers, donors, and other stakeholders, I partner with the founders in scaling our efforts to reach broader audiences and increase the efficacy of the Pro-Truth Pledge for both the public and private sectors.

What’s the problem that inspired you to take the role of Executive Director of the Pro-Truth Pledge?

Every age of human history has been fraught with the tension between progress and exploitation. The Industrial Age brought great wealth, expansion, and convenience – but often at the expense of people’s bodies, health, and overall well-being. Labor laws, technology, and grassroots advocacy work were necessary correctives that served the common good.

Fully embedded in the Information Age, it is the proliferation of mis- and dis-information that requires our attention lest we do ourselves irreparable harm. It is only through a shared commitment to truth telling – in the face of algorithmic incentives which reward interaction with content rather than the accuracy of that content – that we can find a sustainable path forward where confidence in the veracity of information is possible.

For this reason, I found the mission of Pro-Truth Pledge both compelling and necessary, and was moved to engage when given the opportunity.

Why do you believe the Pro-Truth Pledge helps solve the problem?

I believe people want to take a stand for truth and reliable information. But the social pressure to remain in an echo chamber, share information that has not been vetted, and remain loyal to our conscious and subconscious biases is strong. Pro-Truth Pledge has the opportunity to subvert this pressure with social incentives around responsible truth-telling. By inviting civic and business leaders, social influencers, and the general public into a shared commitment to the truth, PTP can help turn people’s vision for accurate information into a reality.

Why are you the right person to lead the Pro-Truth Pledge as its Executive Director?

I am a seasoned nonprofit leader with over 20 years’ experience. Among the great joys of my career has been the opportunity to found an agency and help two other young organizations scale to new levels of influence. I believe Pro-Truth Pledge has all the ingredients to scale and help change the tide of irresponsible information practices in our politics and broader society, and my experience in helping agencies grow is something I think will serve PTP well at this juncture in its history.

How do you plan to accomplish this?

As a two-time political candidate, I have the network to provide PTP with meaningful new individual connections and networks of common interest. I have also spent significant time in my career constructing and facilitating groups of volunteers to rally around a common goal. I can lead the charge, but it will take a small army to meet our objectives. Please take the pledge, donate, volunteer, or send me an email at ptpdirector[at] and join in this worthy work.

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