Rob Slamka
Ballotpedia -(Democratic Party) ran for election to the Wisconsin State Assembly to represent District 78. Campaign website
I spent three and a half years walking through the capital in our state of Wisconsin asking for someone to assist me as an individual in protecting the rights which were being abused by my labor organization SMART Local 18. I substantiated claims of illegal organizing, illegal use of healthcare trust funds and in illegal expulsion of myself for understanding the truth about how they operated. No one cared. The reason for this was that that particular organization was tied into a much larger group. A group of 17 building trades organizations of the Wisconsin AFL CIO. For politicians it would mean that I was rocking not just their money boat but their voter boat. My situation is well documented but not well known. I was immediately set to discredit by the organization for obvious reasons. I guarantee you that this occurs time and time again and those who suffer under it are actually made to shame for asking for justice. It is time someone does something about this! Thank you