Doug Wilson
Truth is a commodity in short supply, replaced by hyperbole and inflated rhetoric. Those who support the concept of the Pro-Truth pledge are stating that the Truth matters. It is relevant and necessary and must be supported. By stating this the public can rely upon statements put forward by those who have taken the pledge. It encourages and increases the value of facts and the honesty in discourse, public statements and posts on social media platforms. In these times when even those in high elected offices use distortion, diversion and other tactics to present what they and their spokespeople have labelled alternative facts. The Pro-Truth Pledge is a bold movement to encourage open and honest communication. I believe that all who hold public office or seek public office have a responsibility to be honest in their comments and presentations. Rhetorical comments, hollow platitudes and empty promises are no way to seek or attempt to hold a public office which is a public trust. Those who resort to such tactics are not deserving of the offices they hold or seek. I wish your project continued and growing success that those who cast votes may do so knowing that the views for which they vote are sincere, honest and worthy of the trust reflected in those votes.