Kurtis Wilson
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I ran for U.S. House of Representatives, Congressional District 23 | California. I am a progressive individual with a long history of helping others. Among the many values I learned growing up, the two that come to mind are Honor thy Mother and Father, and Love thy neighbor. If I were to translate these virtues to match today’s political climate, I would have to say it means, “Protect Social Security” and “Healthcare is a Right” As a progressive democratic candidate, I pledge to represent with pride and will continue to stand strong against corruption, be bold enough to ask tough questions in search of solutions to make life in America better for all Americans, and most importantly, be reliable enough to follow through on my commitment to uphold the U.S. Constitution, and never turn my back on the constituents of my district once I am elected office. I am ready to do my part to form a more perfect union. Together, we will get America back on track.